Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In Transit

I haven't had much time for anything crafty, lately.  Unless you count spackling and painting rooms as "crafty."  In which case, it's been taking up all of my time.

This weekend is the big moving day.  We're almost finished fixing up the rooms, but I am no where near finished packing.  Why are there never enough boxes?  And how on earth did I accumulate all of this stuff?!  One thing I'm very excited about is getting my own sewing area, complete with brand-new sewing desk!  I can't wait to be all moved in.

This is the room my sewing will take place in before:
And finally, after!  Ta Dah!

It looks like mint chocolate chip ice cream in there.  Makes me giggle.  I love green.  This room is good to go.  The bedroom, however still needs some help.
Oh, well.  We really did get a lot accomplished. Once I'm all moved in I need to make some stuff for the walls.  I found this one really great tutorial for these bird pictures.  Once I remember where I saw it, I'll post it up!

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